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This has been an incredible summer for Round Table Robotics and we are excited to share some of the fun we have been having.

Summer kicked off with the 4th of July Parade. Our sponsor, Zünd gave us a huge cardboard cow that graced their lobby for the past 5 years and with the help of our 2022 competition robot, it rolled with us in the parade. The Oak Creek Celebration Committee provided us with plenty of T-Shirt Cannon ammo and we had several new students handing out candy. This was our 8th parade and it is one of our favorite team traditions.

Next up for our team were two big off season competitions. R2OC in Rockford, IL and MROC in Mukwonago, WI. Events like this give our students valuable experience that make us a stronger team and it prepares new students for the upcoming season.

At Mukwonago students who had not driven the robot much, or ever, had the opportunity to drive the 2023 competition robot Kone³. Our team then entered a SECOND ROBOT that we built this summer as a training project. HANGNAIL, 9992 is a 115lb defensive nuisance robot and what robot was a hit. We destroyed 5 set of tires, bashed, and bopped all over the field and then help the number one alliance take home the winner’s banner.

We have actively been visiting our past sponsors as well as looking for new sponsors for the 2023/2024 Season. So far, we have had six of our current sponsor sign on for another year of supporting our team. We are also very excited to bring on Associated Spring and Emerson as new Silver level sponsors. Their support has let us make a capital investment this year. We now have our own OMIO MPC-125 4x4 CNC Router.

As the summer draws to a close we are still trying to visit all of our 2022/23 sponsor and show off this year's robot, or our new swerve drive project and we want to lock down sponsor commitments for the 2023/2024 season. The new T-shirt goes to the printer at the end of November and we want every sponsor represented. Please, if you have not set up a time and date email us at so we can come demo for your team.

Summer will officially come to a close with the team running the Walking Taco Stand at Oak Creek Lionsfest Labor Day Weekend. Please stop by and support the team with a yummy taco. Thanks for following us and be ready for more exciting news, coming soon!

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