Today, we had our first five of ten qualification matches. We were on the winning alliance in our first and last match of the day and currently rank 51 out of 75, The thing about a FIRST event like this is a single match can change everything. We learned something each match and made changes to our intake to help acquire notes faster. We also replaced a limit switch that our indexing arm crushed and used data from each match to make improvements our robot's code. The day ended with a pasta dinner from Olive Garden, some quality pool time, and a group of students trying to set a speed record for assembly of a 1000 piece puzzle. (To match the theme of our day, we are just missing a couple of pieces!)

Friday starts early with us on the field at 8 am and then some valuable time on the practice field until our second match at 12:55 pm. Follow the day's robot excitement at: https://www.thebluealliance.com/gameday#chat=firstupdatesnow&layout=0&view_0=2024new-0

Today's sponsor spotlight shines on our newest sponsor Snap-on. Thanks for the financial and tool support.
